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Poster workshop 1


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Poster workshop 2



On 26/04/2019 from 15.00-20.00  the conference of the VFX Studio of Visual Effects FTF VŠMU took place. with the name


Venue: Cinema FTF VŠMU, Svoradova 2, Bratislava


15.00 – 15.15

Ľudovít Labík
The need for visual effects in the film and game industry.

The academic higher education space is constantly lagging behind the needs of practice. The courage to face new challenges associated with the latest technical achievements means constant further education and additional funding in the pedagogical process, which can disrupt the comfort zone of a professional educator.

15.20 – 15.50

Maroš Harrer
First steps in the game industry / How to break into the game industry.

In recent years, the gaming industry has enjoyed great success not only abroad but also in Slovakia. However, the problem is that there are not enough experts in ;the given field so that it can develop to its fullest. One of the main reasons is the lack of educational opportunities in this industry compared to other countries. The aim of the lecture is to show a way to make your own way into the gaming industry despite these obstacles and what it all entails.< o:p>

15.55 – 16.25

Andrej Lúčny
New possibilities for the player's physical interaction with the computer game.

When playing a computer game, the player does not have to be physically passive, but until recently he needed specific hardware to be physically involved in the game, which he had to buy, plug in and set up Due to the improvement of machine learning and cloud services, in recent times it is increasingly possible to use completely commonly available and ubiquitous means for this purpose. Specifically, we mention the recognition of faces and figures from an ordinary web-cam, voice control of the game and the use of new generation of chatbots.

16.30 - 17.00

Michal Ivan
Concept art and illustration in the entertainment industry.

An explanation of why companies need concept art and how illustrations are used in pre-production and marketing will be created on the work samples.

17.00 - 17.30

BREAK - Discussion and refreshments.

17.30 - 18.00

Andrea Gogová
Ontology of becoming versus Grid model.

The influence of the process-based thinking paradigm "Ontology of becoming" on new creative possibilities of the layout of post-digital text as an alternative to the layout of post-digital text organized using a model grid.

18.05 – 18.35

Radoslav Žilinský
Work process in creating visuals for the advertising sector.

What do we need to to be able to successfully say that we have made a nice visual? Analysis of the work progress, division of the scene in 3D, but also post-production tips in Photoshop Presentation of a more detailed procedure for creating the head of Donald Trump in 3D, one of the last realized viZuals.

18.40 – 19.10

Marek Ježo
VFX supervision on set.

VFX supervision is not only about post-production. The VFX supervisor should be involved already during pre-production and the filming of the film or commercial itself. Tasks and contribution supervision. How to prepare the scene for different types of effect shots, what data needs to be collected and how to use it in post production.

19.15 – 19.30

CONCLUSION - Possibility of open discussion.

The Conference event was streamed in real-time on the website and subsequently promoted on the Internet.
An electronic conference proceedings with ISBN will be published with the speakers' contributions.


Konferencia VFX 2019 - Maroš Harrer
Konferencia VFX 2019 - Andrej Lúčny
Konferencia VFX 2019 - Michal Ivan
Konferencia VFX 2019 - Andrea Gogová
Konferencia VFX 2019 - Radoslav Žilinský
Konferencia VFX 2019 - Marek Ježo