Profile picture for user Tomori Juraj
Začiatok bakalárskeho štúdia
Koniec bakalárskeho štúdia

Realized works

2-3.year-B.Sc. optional

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

2-3.year-B.Sc. optional

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.