On November 12-13, 2019, the 3rd year of the conference Changes in Dramaturgy (Professional and Pedagogical Bases of Contemporary Dramaturgy) took place in Opava, Czech Republic, at which prof. Ľudovít Labík, member of the top team of VFX FTF VŠMU.

The conference was prepared by the Audiovisual Production Department of the Institute of Czech Studies and Librarianship in the Hauerova 4 building in Opava.

The program:

TUESDAY 12 November

11.30–13.00 attendance

13.00–13.15 opening

13.14–13.45 K. Ondřejková : Specifics of Production Dramaturgy

13.45–14.15 T. Polenský : Production Dramaturgy, Dramaturg and American Script Doctor from the Perspective of a Screenwriter and Director: A Case Study of a Screenplay for a Feature Screenplay for the Film

14.15–14.45 L. Konečný: Producer Dramaturgy: A Case Study of the Genesis of V. Marhoul's Painted Birds

14.45–15.00 coffe break

15.00–15.30 E. Pjajčiková: Dramaturgical Incubator: Reality check

15.30–16.00 J. Bébarová : Widows as a Subversive Heist Film

16.00–16.30 A. Hanáčková : How to (re) define the public interest in radio. Case study: Mathematics of crime

16.30–17.00 M. Horsáková: Autumn radio audioREPORT - more than a competition…

17.00–18.00 coffee break

18.00–19.30 Non-traditional approach to traditional arts
- Ivan Motýl, P. Szyroki: Slag or Poetry in Comics - Author's Reading
- Modern poetry in visualizations of students of Silesian University

WEDNESDAY 13 November

10.00–10.30 L. Labík : Unleashing motif in depicting chance in a film narrative

11.00–11.15 coffee break

11.15–11.45 M. Zelinský : The Bauhaus as a Dramaturgical Conception

11.45–12.15 P. Bergmannová : Festival Strategies (Theater Festival as a Work of Art)