On days 25-29. October 2021 A workshop was held with students of the Polish Film School in Katowice. The topic was Optical Illusion.

Project: "Integrated Silesian University in Katowice Development Program"

Katowice Opticka iluzia




The workshops are addressed to students of the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School University of Silesia in Katowice in the field of image, film, television and photography as part of the project "Integrated Program for Development of the University of Silesia in Katowice".

The student acquires knowledge and practical skills regarding the techniques used in photography and film. Acquires the ability to select and apply theory in practice. It will increase the substantive competence in the field of painting art (theoretical, and above all practical) and linguistic. It will gain knowledge about the organization and realization of the image in different cultural circles.

Demonstrations of students' creativity during the workshop:

Optical illusion 1
Optical illusion 2