
Záverečný ceremoniál udeľovania festivalových cien ÁČKO 2022.

Naživo streamovaná 360° prednáška Doc. Antona Szomolanyiho, ArtD. na festivale ÁČKO dňa 20.10.2022.

Naživo streamovaná 360° prednáška Doc. Ing. Mareka Ježa, ArtD. na festivale ÁČKO dňa 20.10.2022.

The visual effects and game design studio FTF VŠMU organizes the presentation of the first computer game of the Game Design students FTF VŠMU as part of the KEGA grant solution against the background of the Áčko 2022 festival, it will hold a virtual production mini-conference and offer a 360° space workshop.