
VFXHD students also actively participated in the Áčko 2023 student festival. Out of all the entries, 5 AVFX films advanced to the main competition.

A Sea to Remember, This Strange Day, Jisei, Momentum, Why Do I Live Here? (Why should I live here?), Why should I live here? (Why should I live here?), Shades of Light, White Elephants

Band 2 MOSAIC:
Lucia, Two Weeks, Pianissimo, Master Key, Hall 22, Eclīpsis, Yum , Aether, Marián Valovič, Patrik Maryniak, Samuel Seidman), Jar (Spring, Kevin Šimko), Moon Toss (Juraj Zbín)

Close, Na vychyr (Flexin, Samuel Púchovský) , Gnome's Fortune, Rave to the Grave, Lessons from humiliation, Standing Still, Králik ( Rabbit), Robot and the Bird (The Robot and the Bird, Kristína Benková)

Band 4 TRUE:
Poisoned Well, Darkness all around, In Case of Survival, The World According to Megi, The Scattered Nest, The Last Chance ), The Third Culture Kid

At the main closing ceremony, there were 4 AVFX films in the nominations, and in the end two AVFX projects became winners.

The award for VFX was won by the project: Aether (Marián Valovič, Patrik Maryniak, Samuel Seidman)

The prize for the animated film was won by: Na vychyr (Samuel Púchovský)

Game design students prepared a game zone during the two days of the festival. In addition to professional computer games, they presented their own game projects.