Summer School of Film Language 2022
From 1.7.2022 to 12.7.2022 in the premises of FTF VŠMU (on Svoradova Street No. 2, Bratislava) under the supervision of FTF VŠMU teachers and using school equipment, the 17th year of the two-week training program took place.
Registered participants LŠFJ 2022
1 Šindelárová Tina 2 Veselský Lubomír 3 Skoček Oliver 4 Moravčíková Terézia 5 Dzadík Oliver 6 Bubeníková Katarína 7 Shygonska Nadiia 8 Piddubnyi Bohdan 9 Karaffova Nikoleta 10 Knut Leo 11 Podobová Kristína 12 Kováč Andrej 13 Rasadnikova Anastasia 14 Dianišková Laura 15 Žúži Sebastián 16 Kishoyan Myroslava 17 Mikulášiková Viktória 18 Kasanický Kristian 19 Kardasevych Daria 20 Koszeghy Mariia 21 Bojtošová Katarína
Link for final film presentations:
Movies of the Summer School of Film Language
Registration takes place by the end of June.
1. Šindelárová Tina
4. Moravčíková Terézia
7. Shygonska Nadiia
10. Knut Leo
13. Rasadnikova Anastasia
16. Kishoyan Myroslava
19. Kardasevych Daria
22. Babii Maša
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2022
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2021
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2020
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2019
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2018
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2021
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2020
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2019
Záverečné hodnotenia 2019
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2018
Prednáška produkcie 2018
2. Veselský Lubomír
5. Dzadík Oliver
8. Piddubnyi Bohdan
11. Podobová Kristína
14. Dianišková Laura
17. Mikulášiková Viktória
20. Koszeghy Mariia
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2017
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2016
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2015
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2014
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2013
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2012
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2017
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2016
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2015
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2014
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2013
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2012
3. Skoček Oliver
6. Bubeníková Katarína
9. Karaffova Nikoleta
12. Kováč Andrej
15. Žúži Sebastián
18. Kasanický Kristian
21. Bojtošová Katarína
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2011
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2010
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2009
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2008
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2007
Filmy Letnej školy filmového jazyka 2006
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2011
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2010
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2009
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2008
Foto z ročníka LKFJ 2007
Foto z ročníka LKFJ 2006
AST | screenwriting and dramaturgy | Doc. Dagmar Ditrichová, ArtD. |
AST | dramaturgy and film science | Mgr. Peter Konečný |
ART | directing | Bc. art. Daniel Rihák |
ADT | documentary | Mgr. art. Lucia Kašová |
AKT | camera | Mgr. art. Lieberberger, ArtD. |
ASS | editing composition | Prof. Ľudovít Labík, ArtD |
AVFX | visual effects | Bc. Marián Valovič |
AZS | sound compoistion | Mgr. art. Potočný, ArtD. Doc. Dušan Kozák, ArtD. |
organization and analysis | Prof. Ľudovít Labík, ArtD |
Detailed characterization of the curriculum
Instructions for participants
From the responses of LŠFJ
Movies from previous years
Adresa prihlásenia: vizualneefekty@vsmu.sk
The training course is open to all interested parties, regardless of experience and job classification. Applicants from the ranks of applicants for film education at FTF VŠMU are welcome. The course is also intended for employees in the field of audiovisual production in Slovakia, Bohemia and Moravia. Secondary school education or its near future completion is expected. Lower age limit 16-17 years, upper limit is unlimited.
After completing the summer training program, participants will receive a certificate of completion of LŠFJ. This certificate is a proof of FTF VŠMU on gaining basic creative experience in the field of film art.
Detailed characterization of the curriculum.
During 12 working days, program participants will gain basic knowledge in the field of screenwriting, dramaturgy, directing, cinematography, editing and sound post-production processing by means of video technologies in the basic genres of news, journalism, documentary production, feature film and television production.
The teaching methods are lectures, seminars, exercises, analyzes and the creation of practical audiovisual products. Participants have the opportunity to bring their own work, in which they are interested in analysis. Participants will prepare preliminary documentary and feature topics at home, feasible in improvised conditions in the streets of Bratislava or in the school premises.
On the last day of the LŠFJ, there will be a presentation of the films made with a professional analysis by FTF VŠMU teachers. At the same time, the participants will vote for the most popular film of the Summer School. The winner of the vote will receive a commemorative plaque. The films will then be posted on the FTF VŠMU school server.
The main prize for voting on the popularity of films made for the LŠFJ 2013 year.
Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2021 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2020 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2019 Záverečné hodnotenia 2019 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2018 Prednáška produkcie 2018 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2017 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2016 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2015 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2014 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2013 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2012 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2011 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2010 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2009 Foto z ročníka LŠFJ 2008 Foto z ročníka LKFJ 2007 Foto z ročníka LKFJ 2006
Fee for educational program.
The price of the training program is 360 EUR. The price includes pedagogical management and technical support of the program. Accommodation, transport and meals are at the expense of the course participants.
Adresa prihlásenia: vizualneefekty@vsmu.sk
1) From the offered areas, select the two you prefer.
a) Screenwriting
b) Directing
c) Documentary production
d) Animated work
e) Cinematography
f) Editing composition
g) Sound composition
h) Visual effects
i) Production
j) Film science
3) State the current relationship to the film in one sentence.
4) The environment in which the candidate moves.
5) Mention the possibility of using your own camera and laptop with or without the possibility of editing.
6) E-mail address and postal address of the applicant for return communication + tel. mobile number.
Deň | Čas | Miesto | Študijný program | Názov témy | Zabezpečuje |
1.7.2022 | |||||
10,45-11,30 | Barco | Dramaturgia skladby | Analýzy domácich prác | prof. Labík | |
11,30-13,00 | Barco | Dramaturgia skladby | Analýzy domácich prác | prof. Labík | |
13,00-14,00 | OBED | ||||
14,00-16,15 | Barco | Dramaturgia a scenáristika | Základy dramaturgie |
Doc.Ditrichová, ArtD., | |
16,15-17,45 | Barco | Dramaturgia a scenáristika | Zadanie hraného cvičenia | Doc.Ditrichová, ArtD., | |
17,45-18,30 | Barco | Dramaturgia a scenáristika | Analýza domácich literárnych prác | Doc.Ditrichová, ArtD., | |
2.7.2022 | 08,30-10,00 | Barko | Základy réžie | Základy réžijnej tvorby | Mgr. Daniel Rihák |
10,00-11,30 | Barko | Základy réžie | Základy réžijnej tvorby | Mgr. Daniel Rihák | |
11,30-13,00 | Barko | Základy réžie | Základy réžijnej tvorby | Mgr. Daniel Rihák | |
13,00-14,00 | OBED | ||||
14,00-16,00 | Barco | Strih | Teória strihovej skladby | Doc.Švec,ArtD., | |
16,00-19,00 | Barco | Strih | Teória strihovej skladby | Doc.Švec,ArtD., | |
3.7.2022 | 08,30-10,00 | Barco | Kamera | Analýza záberu | Mgr. art. Liebenberger, ArtD. |
10,00-11,30 | Barco | Kamera | Teória kamery a kompozícia | Mgr. art. Liebenberger, ArtD. | |
11,30-13,00 | Barco | Kamera | Teória kamery a kompozícia | Mgr. art. Liebenberger, ArtD. | |
13,00-14,00 | OBED | ||||
14,00-18,00 | Barco | Kamera | Základy kamerovej techniky, Svetlo v ateliéri, | Mgr. art. Liebenberger, ArtD. | |
4.7.2022 | 08,30-11,00 | Barco | Zvuková skladba | Teória zvukovej skladby | Mgr. art. Tobias Potočný |
11,00-11,45 | Barco | Zvuková skladba | Úvod do jednozáberovky | Mgr. art. Tobias Potočný | |
11,45-16,00 | 6 zvukovo odlišných miest v Bratislave | Zvuková skladba + kamera | Jednozáberovka, praktikum kamery a zvuku. 4 realizačné skupiny súbežne realizujú jednozáberové cvičenie. |
16,00-18,30 | Barco | Zvuková skladba + kamera | Vyhodnotenie praktika zvuku | prof. Labík | |
5.7.2022 | 08,30-13,00 | Barco | Dokumentárna tvorba | Úvod do dokumentárneho filmu, publicistika zadanie dok. filmu | Mgr. art. Osuch Peter |
13,00-14,00 | OBED | ||||
14,00-17,00 | Barko, vestibul, učebne | Scenáristika | Písanie scenára, konzultácie, techn. scenár | Doc. Ditrichová, prof.Labík, Mgr. art. Rihák | |
17,00-18,30 | Barco | Organizácia nakrúcania | |||
6.7.2022 | 08,30-10,30 | Barco | Projekcia hraného filmu | Dramaturgická analýza hraného filmu | Mgr. art. Peter Konečný |
10,30-13,00 | Barco | Kritický seminár | Dramaturgická analýza hraného filmu | Mgr. art. Peter Konečný | |
13,00-14,00 | |||||
14,00-14,30 | Barco | Organizácia nakrúcania | prof. Labík | ||
14,00-21,00 | Barco, BA - Staré mesto | Realizácia hranej etudy v uliciach Starého mesta Bratislavy | 3 realizačné skupiny súbežne realizujú svoje scenáre tak, aby každý člen skupiny v priebehu dvoch (3) dní zrealizoval svoj scenár za pomoci ostatných členov skupiny. | prof. Labík | |
7.7.2022 | 08,30-18,30 | Vestibul, Barco, BA - Staré mesto | Realizácia hranej etudy v uliciach Starého mesta Bratislavy | 4 realizačné skupiny súbežne realizujú svoje scenáre tak, aby každý člen skupiny v priebehu dvoch (3) dní zrealizoval svoj scenár za pomoci ostatných členov skupiny. | prof. Labík |
8.7.2022 | 08,30 - 21,00 | Strižňa AVFX | Strih, dokrútky nedokončených projektov | Organizácia strihu projektov + dokrútky | prof. Labík |
10,00 -21,00 | BA - Staré mesto | Dokumentaristika | Realizácia dokumentárneho filmu | ||
9.7.2022 | 08,30-18,30 | BA-staré mesto | Realizácia dokumentárneho projektu | ||
08,30-21,00 | Strižňa AVFX | Strih | Strih hraneho projektu | prof. Labík | |
10.7.2022 | 08,30-21,00 | Strižňa AVFX | Strih | Strih hraneho a dokumentárneho projektu | prof. Labík |
08,30-10,00 | Strižne | Dokumentaristika | Konzultácie | Mgr. Art. Osuch Peter | |
10,00-13,00 | Strižne | Strih | Konzultácie hraného cvičenia | prof. Labík | |
17,00-18,30 | Barco | Produkcia (v prípade záujmu) | Základy produkcie (v prípade záujmu) | Mgr. art. Kľujev | |
11.7.2022 | 08,30-18,30 | Zvuková réžia | Strih, zvuk export projektov | Strih, ozvučenie a mix zostrihaných projektov | Mgr. art. Tobias Potočný |
08,30-18,30 | Strižňa AVFX | Grading | Farebná úprava vlastných projektov (V prípade záujmu) | Bc. Marián Valovič | |
18,15-22,00 | Nádvorie školy | Gril party (v prípade záujmu) | Neformálne postátie vo dvorane školy, ak si budúci uchádzači o štúdium produkcie zorganizujú. (Finančná dotácia z prostriedkov LŠ) | ||
12.7.2022 | 08,00-12,00 | Strižne 15,16,19, Avid | Strih, zvuk | Postprodukcia. Príprava projekcií + náhradný program | prof. Labík |
12,00-13,00 | OBED | ||||
13,00-13,15 | Barco alebo pred školou | Fotografovanie | Veľmi široké usmievanie | Všetci účastníci | |
13,15-18,30 | Barco | Projekcie a analýzy | Analýza zrealizovaných projektov | Doc. Ditrichová, prof. Labík, Mgr. art. Rihák, Mgr. art. Tobias Potočný |
From the responses of LŠFJ 2021
... I would like to thank you for everything you have done for us. It's been an amazing 2 weeks of my life and I'm sorry we're done. But that's life. ...
From the responses of LŠFJ 2020
I would like to sign up for this year's study. I would also welcome the opportunity to attend your lectures, do you have a schedule? The summer school exceeded my expectations. Thank you for your professional approach and leadership
From the responses of LŠFJ 2019
From the responses of LŠFJ 2018
Postoje študentov po záverečných analýzach
From the responses of LŠFJ 2017
"I would like to thank you once again for the excellent twelve days, which not only taught me a lot, but also gave me the desire to learn and continue to create."
"I would like to thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in LŠFJ, it was really amazing, it gave me a lot of experience and I can definitely say that LŠFJ showed me the way I want to continue."
From the responses of LŠFJ 2016
"I personally signed up for the course as I work in the field and I felt gaps in my previous knowledge and skills. 12 days gave me a lot of knowledge, experience and skills that I will definitely use in the future. ... Summer school is a great opportunity for people in the industry who want to learn more and find out where they are making mistakes, to learn new things, as well as for future students preparing for entrance exams. "
"I learned a lot and made my first short film."
"It has certainly brought all specializations closer together, and an applicant for studies at the Academy of Performing Arts can decide and reconsider which field he / she is interested in within 12 days. Yes, it made sense and I wish you every year to be fulfilled, because with this program I think you are sowing in Slovakia, perhaps future, top people in the field of film. "
From the responses of LŠFJ 2015
"No a samozrejme urcite Vam rada zaslem vsetko, co uz budem mat hotove. Inak i ........ sa pozdaval moj kratky film o reklamach a je mozne, ze budeme tocit este jeden kratky film v tejto teme, tak vidite, ako rychlo sa to vsetko vdaka letnej skole rozbieha! Ja Vam velmi dakujem za Vasu pedagogicku i ludsku ucast na Letnej skole a tesim sa, ze som ju absolvoval"Thanks again for everything, it was great."
"... after an amazing experience from LSFJ, I would like to apply to DVFJ as well. I hope there will be enough of us for the course to take place this year."
"Once again, I want to thank you for the summer school, she personally gave me more than I expected and opened up a whole new world that I only had a great idea about :) I believe it will be reflected in my work."
"I would like to thank you once again for the Summer School of Film Language, which has certainly broadened my horizons and knowledge in many areas related to film, and most importantly I found out what I don't know yet ...
I will definitely practice the acquired knowledge and learn further :-). "
". without a "window" into the world of film language, he also did not ... "
From the responses of LŠFJ 2012
"Este raz dakujem za vsetko, bolo super."
"...po uzasnej skusenosti z LSFJ by som sa chcela prihlasit aj na DVFJ. Dufam ze sa nas nazbiera dost aby sa kurz konal este tento rok."
"Este raz chcem podakovat za letnu skolu, mne osobne dala viac ako som ocakaval a otvorila mi uplne novy svet o ktorom som len velmi zdaleka tusil :) verim ze sa to odrazi aj na mojej tvorbe."
"Chcel by som sa Vám ešte raz poďakovať za Letnú školu filmového jazyka ktorá mi určite rozšírila obzor a vedomosti v mnohých oblastiach týkajúcich sa filmu a hlavne som zistil čo ešte všetko neviem...
Nadobudnuté vedomosti určite budem ďalej praktizovať a učiť sa ďalej :-)."
"...len sa chcem skromne pochvalit ze som prijaty na famu - odbor zvukova tvorba. Pri tej prilezitosti vam chcem podakovat, bez letnej skoly filmoveho jazyka by som sa k tomuto snu z mladosti asi nikdy naplno nevratil. A zaroven prijmacky by som asi bez "okna" do sveta filmoveho jazyka tiez nespravil. ..."
From the responses of LŠFJ 2010
"... I want to thank you for the temporary time spent at summer school. It was a great idea to organize something like this. It's a pity that it's all over and you need to address another reality. Please, thank you for me .... that he helped me to edit and edit the film so that it was observable, even though there were so many mistakes (I don't just mean the shots; there were a lot of other things that were not thoughtful and badly done, but I didn't expect much from that, even though it was my first film; I guess I'll be better.) And I admire you for being able to organize it all. Thank you so much for everything. "
"... on behalf of our son ......., who graduated from LŠFJ 2010, we would like to sincerely thank all those who have been involved in organizing this event for several years. For ......., t.č A student of the 3rd year ......., it was very beneficial and he gained new experiences and stimuli. Due to the fact that he is one of those interested in studying at FTF VŠMU, after the end of LŠFJ 2010 he started further work in this area so that he would have something to present in consultations with applicants for study.
Once again, thank you all. "
From the responses of LŠFJ 2009
"... I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity to" get away "from filmmaking. The course exceeded all my expectations from both the professional and human side (ie the approach of teachers)."
"Very happy, great people, lots of experiences, just exhausted. It was an amazing experience, a brilliant 12 holiday days. I will miss it here."
"... I want to thank you for being able to attend the course. I think
you think it's a genius and most of all it makes sense ... "
From the responses of LŠFJ 2008
"I will always remember LŠFJ for good, the experience and contacts I have gained are irreplaceable and thanks to the excellent guidance of all teachers I have learned to perceive film and film art not only with my eyes but also with all other sensations. My efforts to be The filmmaking environment has grown even more in recent weeks and I will make every effort to improve every film. I will also try to be admitted to your school and I firmly believe that it will be successful, even though I know that the competition is strong: - "
"thanks for the mood"
"The summer school was perfect, it's a pity it's over. I'm already on the radio, with no sound, but no picture. It seems kind of poor :)"
"I didn't have time to thank you, thank you for you, it's rare and amazing that there are people who live, do and sacrifice their time and energy for their beliefs, thank you for your time it was rare for me and I appreciate it"
"Thank you too for starting a similar project in general ... I'm glad I was able to take part in it."
"The whole two weeks were (in all respects) EXCELLENT, I'm glad I was able to sign up for this course. I'm sad since Saturday that it didn't take longer."
"... even though I couldn't shoot anything in 2 weeks, it gave me a lot and I definitely changed my view of the film ..."
"It was even more rare for me that I really missed the connection with our culture and that's how I touched her at least a little bit again."