
Film Language Summer School 2010

From July 1, 2010 to July 12, 2010, the 6th year of the two-week teaching program took place in the premises of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (at Svoradova Street No. 2, Bratislava) under the supervision of the teachers of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts and using school technology.

Registered participants of the 2010 LŠFJ

1 Bartosova Zuzana 11 Deaf Samo 21 Jursa Dominik 31 Nosaľ Vladimir 41 Andrea Vadkerti
2 Office Jakub 12 Hashimoto Lenka A. 22 Kebis Michal 32 Ondriašová Emilia 42 Varmeda Dusan
3 Brnušáková Eva 13 Held Slavomir 23 Krajcovic Dusan 33 Ruš Matej 43 Robert Lawrence
4 Brnušáková Maja 14 Horvathova Marina 24 Kubo Tomas 34 Six Marian 44 Vidova Veronika
5 Doliakova Naďa 15 Alphonse the Pea 25 Kukučová Petra 35 Sládkova Klara 45 Zelina Jan
6 Dora Leos 16 Hraskova Tereza 26 Kvassay Kristina 36 Spiegelová Roberta
7 Durajová Jana 17 Hutarova Silvia 27 Easy Peter 37 Stefan Tomas
8 Adriana Durinova 18 Ivankova Daniela 28 Maletzová Soňa 38 Stumpf David
9 Hot Victoria 19 Adrian Jenco 29 Marceková Tatiana 39 Alexandra Szakálová
10 Branislav Gajarsky 20 Jožio Matúš 30 Medvecký Jakub 40 Tallo Matúš