On October 18, 2017, students of the 1st year of the Visual Effects Studio presented themselves to the Academic Senate of the Academy of Fine Arts of Slovakia with a request to cancel the discriminatory measure of the FTF management, which limits the right of VFX students to apply for a grant to the Audiovisual Fund of Slovakia. The request was supported by a petition signed by at least 40 FTF students and teachers from various study programs.
Text of the speech:
Dear members of the Academic Senate,
Dear Madam Rector,
Distinguished guests.
We, the students of the Visual Effects Studio of the Film Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts, requested the opportunity to express our opinion at the Academic Senate of the Academy of Performing Arts, due to the exhaustion of all previous options for a change in the measure, which we consider to be incorrect and discriminatory. For this purpose, we organized a petition, the request of which was
equal rights for students of production studios in terms of applying for grant support from the Audiovisual Fund of Slovakia and applying for other grants regulated by the management of the Film Faculty of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.
The decision of the Dean of the Film Faculty results in an unequal position for students:
Studios of cinematography, screenwriting, editing, sound design, visual effects, the Department of Audiovisual Studies and the Department of Production.
in relation to the possibility of applying for financial support for your film from the Audiovisual Fund of Slovakia. This option is available to all students of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, provided that the specified conditions are met.
Authorized to represent the 1st year master's students of the Visual Effects Studio of the Faculty of Film and Television of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in contact with the Academic Senate of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.
To the argument that the school is a producer and as a producer can determine the conditions, we respond that the producer in the school's conditions still serves the Academic Community and as such must have a mandate from the academic community for this type of discrimination. This injustice, in our opinion, has been going on for three years.
Our question to the esteemed Academic Senate of the Academy of Performing Arts is:
Does the Dean of the Faculty of Law have the right to issue such a regulation without the consent of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Law or without the consent of the academic community of students?
Text of the speech:
Dear members of the Academic Senate,
Dear Madam Rector,
Distinguished guests.
We, the students of the Visual Effects Studio of the Film Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts, requested the opportunity to express our opinion at the Academic Senate of the Academy of Performing Arts, due to the exhaustion of all previous options for a change in the measure, which we consider to be incorrect and discriminatory. For this purpose, we organized a petition, the request of which was
equal rights for students of production studios in terms of applying for grant support from the Audiovisual Fund of Slovakia and applying for other grants regulated by the management of the Film Faculty of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.
The decision of the Dean of the Film Faculty results in an unequal position for students:
Studios of cinematography, screenwriting, editing, sound design, visual effects, the Department of Audiovisual Studies and the Department of Production.
in relation to the possibility of applying for financial support for your film from the Audiovisual Fund of Slovakia. This option is available to all students of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, provided that the specified conditions are met.
Authorized to represent the 1st year master's students of the Visual Effects Studio of the Faculty of Film and Television of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in contact with the Academic Senate of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.
To the argument that the school is a producer and as a producer can determine the conditions, we respond that the producer in the school's conditions still serves the Academic Community and as such must have a mandate from the academic community for this type of discrimination. This injustice, in our opinion, has been going on for three years.
Our question to the esteemed Academic Senate of the Academy of Performing Arts is:
Does the Dean of the Faculty of Law have the right to issue such a regulation without the consent of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Law or without the consent of the academic community of students?