Profile picture for user Maryniak Patrik
Začiatok bakalárskeho štúdia
Koniec bakalárskeho štúdia
Začiatok magisterskeho štúdia
Koniec magisterského štúdia

1st year of B.Sc.

Self portrait

-I don't want to choose, I want everything.

My self-portrait reflects my constant problem, namely the problem of choice. Since childhood, I have observed in my person the constant problem of choosing anything. From basic decisions like my favorite color to important life decisions. I don't like to categorize musical styles, I choose the best of each and like to mix it. And just like with music, in my future work I would like to make an ideal ratio of everything I like).

This state is best reflected in the legendary scene from the movie The Matrix, where the main character is given a choice of two pills that symbolize a fundamental life decision. However, often, like the main character of this movie, I choose the harder option. Just as I preferred studying effects over graphic design.
