Profile picture for user Sikora Tomáš
Začiatok bakalárskeho štúdia
Koniec bakalárskeho štúdia
Začiatok magisterskeho štúdia
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2-3.year-B.Sc. optional

As part of the course Puppet in a Digital Environment at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the Academy of Performing Arts, four projects are being implemented in the 2022/23 academic year. The authors of the scripts and dramaturgs of the projects were four students of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the Academy of Performing Arts, a student of animation, and two students of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the Academy of Performing Arts, VFX.

One of the four projects is Prometeus, authored by Katarína Csikmáková with VFX collaboration by Tomáš Sikora and Viliam Čorňák.

Project Astronaut

Kitchen Project

The Last Supper Project

Project analysis, synopsis, treatment