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Začiatok bakalárskeho štúdia
Koniec bakalárskeho štúdia
Začiatok magisterskeho štúdia
Koniec magisterského štúdia

Master's degree studies

Keying workshop on the green screen at the TVOR BA 2024 festival

Students of the second master's year from the studio of visual effects Tímea Michlačíková and Patrik Szekács accepted the invitation to the 5th year of the creativity festival called TVOR BA taking place on 14-16 March in Bratislava. The festival presents the most successful creators of amateur art in Slovakia. The concept of dramaturgical selection across art forms and genres, which is specific to the festival, is also a vision of the sustainability of exceptional works of art. Sustainability was the main theme of the 5th year of the festival, and on this occasion, AVFX students had the opportunity to mentor a workshop right in the building of the National Awareness Center, which organized the festival. Festival visitors could come try basic keying techniques on a green screen and watch the result in real time. The replaced background featured a themed animation about sustainable filmmaking, and workshop participants standing in front of a green screen could interact with the abstract environment. Those interested could also try other interactive backgrounds not only on the topic of sustainability.


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