Profile picture for user Trandžík Peter
Začiatok bakalárskeho štúdia
Koniec bakalárskeho štúdia
Začiatok magisterskeho štúdia
Koniec magisterského štúdia

3rd year of B.Sc.

Peter Trandžík, a student at the Visual Effects Studio of the FTF VŠMU, was successful in California with the film "Cookie?".

Peter Trandžík's film won the audience award in its category at the BAICFF (Bay Area International Children's Film Festival). Children voted for the best films at the festival.

Message on the server: 18865/student-ftf-vsmu-peter-trandzik-uspel-v-kalifornii-s- filmom-susienku.htm

BAICFF Festival:

AVFX WEBSITE: cvicenia/susienku

Facebook: photos/a.237278629659623/ 2014142071973261/?type=3& source=48

BAICFF is now in its 11th year and features films from all over the world. The festival has also screened Oscar-nominated films and Pixar films in other categories. For example, the Oscar-nominated Pixar short film "Bao" won the "teen" category.

BAICFF is organized by Jim Capobianco, Oscar-nominated for Best Original Screenplay for Ratatouille. Jim has worked on films such as Mary Poppins Returns, Coco, Finding Dory, Inside Out, Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc., A Bug's Life, The Lion King...

The film "Cookie?" has been selected to be screened at Little Big Shots – Australia's International Film Festival for Kids. This is the 15th annual Australian film festival for children, with more than 20,000 viewers from all over the country. The films are screened in major cities across Australia.

The film was also screened at festivals in Russia, London, Memphis, and as part of Short Film Day, it was shown to audiences in 11 cinemas in Slovakia.

The short film "A Cookie?" is a bachelor's thesis on the theme of a fairy tale. It is about a lonely little boy who has no friends. He lives in a house far from the town and goes to school on a bicycle. However, one day his classmates destroy it. The boy dreams of a new bicycle under the Christmas tree, but instead of it, another, essentially unexpected wish comes true. He gains a friend, although not the one you would imagine...

A cookie?
Original idea by, screenplay by, storyboard, edited by, directed by, VFX, grading - Peter Trandžík
Director of photography - Oliver Záhlava
Music composer - Marián Čurko
Sound - Ivan Ďurkech
Sound assistant - Ondřej Vančát
Executive producer - Andrea Rakovská
Set decoration and costumes - Eva Miškovičová, Peter Trandžík
Drawings and hand-drawn animation - Balász Horváth
FX artist - Juraj Tomori
VFX artist - Ondrej Polacek
Butterfly animation - Matej Babic
Credits - Robert Hruška
Pedagogical guidance - Prof. Ľudovít Labík, ArtD., Mgr. Art. Marián Villaris, Ing. Marek Ježo, ArtD., Mgr. Art. Juraj Killián, ArtD., Ing. Ladisalv Dedík, ArtD., doc. Ing. Peter Neštepný, Ing. Mgr. Art. Andrea Vrábelová
Produced by - AVFX VŠMU 2017

Our film Cookie? by Peter Trandzík was screened at another major festival in Atlanta, the Kids Video Connection Children's Film Festival.

Quote from the invitation:

Congratulations! Kids Video Connection's review panel thinks your film Cookie? is ideal for our film festival. We all greatly appreciated the film's creativity and beautiful audio and visuals, and we are excited to screen it for our audiences during the festival between June 15th and 27th (exact schedule TBA.)

While we would love to have you present at the festival here in Atlanta, if this is not a possibility I hope we can at least arrange an interview through video conferencing for the audience on the day of the screening.
